Sunday, May 17, 2009

We have walls!

In spite of all the rain we have had this spring, progress continues on our new home. They started framing this weekend! The crew was working hard on Saturday putting up the first floor. We were so excited to see some wood up as we drove around the corner. We spent quite some time just walking around the structure marveling that it was really happening. We are getting a little worried that our neighbors might think we are a bit crazy as we spend so much time just looking at things like empty lots (prior to construction), giant holes (when they dug the foundation), and now half built sturctures! Although, we're sure they understand (or at least hope they do!) and most likely did the same types of things themselves. If not - oh well, we are first timers and super excited!!! Stay tuned for more updates...

Here's our family room (the fireplace is on the right)

Here's the kitchen

and our garage

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