Some of the highlights included watching the little 4-H girls parade their cows around in costumes (teaching us about the benefits of milk), the pig races!, the 4-H fashion show, and of course the fried dough! We also enjoyed seeing all the animals:
Melanie and Michael also braved the vaunted "Freak Out" midway ride. It was essentially a giant claw that spun around in circles and swung up and down really fast. Within 5 seconds of the ride starting, Michael realized it had been a long time since he had been on any type of ride -let alone one that is dis-assembled, moved, and re-assembled every week or so. But once he stopped thinking of all the possible ways the ride could fall apart sending him plunging to an uncertain (and certainly unpleasant) fate, he had a great time.

If you click on the middle picture you can see Michael hanging on for dear life. We capped off our day at the fair with a few rounds of bingo (no winners) and an unsuccesful attempt to win a new fish - maybe next year!
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